Bullying Prevention

Bullying preventionThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, nearly one in four students – or 22% – say that they've been bullied during each school year.

Although bullying can happen to any child, some groups – LGBTQ youth, youth with disabilities, and socially isolated youth, for example – may be at a greater risk of being bullied. The Centers for Disease Control has characterized bullying as a public health problem due to its prevalence and its adverse impact on physical and mental health.

The impact of bullying

Children who are bullied, who engage in bullying, or who observe the bullying of others experience a variety of problems. These problems include reduced school engagement and academic achievement, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, maladjustment, and, in some cases, suicide-related behaviors.    

Position Statement on Safe and Humane Schools 

The health and well-being of young people is related to their engagement in their school community and to their experiences at school. Young people are more likely to thrive developmentally when they feel safe at school, when they are able to form positive relationships, and when they are encouraged to participate.

Following our symposium, A Place for Us: Toward Inclusive Communities for Children and Familiesour task force on Safe and Humane Schools developed a position statement on the importance of the school environment to the success of young people.

Our Spotlight features research in AJO on bullying.  

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Want to learn more?

What can you do? 

  • Learn how you can support your local schools and community organizations in bullying prevention efforts.
  • Model appropriate behavior based on kindness and respect.
  • Organize community groups to develop and implement a shared vision of a supportive, respectful community.
  • Advocate for bullying prevention policies and practices.